
Michael Donvito has 22+ years of experience training the Special Operations Community in Close Combat and related tactical skill sets. He is responsible for the creation of Modular Combatives and the Personal Protective Skills Program. Mr. Donvito is responsible for training thousands of military personnel and has been contracted by units throughout all four branches of service within the U.S. Military. He is a Level III Modern Army Combatives Program (MACP) Instructor, certified by the program’s founder, Matt Larsen. He is also an Air Force Combatives Program (AFCP) Senior Instructor, certified by program founder, David Durnil.
Under the supervision and guidance of his father, MSgt Ron Donvito (R), he was the primary instructor for close combat training within the Special Forces Qualification Course for 7 years. During that time, he was the close combat SME; his responsibilities included the management and servicing of custom close combat programs within 3rd SFG, 7th SFG, 1st COSCOM, 96th Civil Affairs, 172nd Infantry Stryker Brigade, and CGSC. Shortly after leaving the Ft Bragg area, Mr. Donvito was responsible for implementing close combat programs and/or running mission specific close combat training within AFSOC, to include the 371 SOCTS, TACP Schoolhouse, the 21st STS, the 22nd STS, the 23rd STS, the 24th STS, 26th STS, and the Special Tactics Training Squadron (STTS).
Mr. Donvito has over 20 years of Close Quarter Combat (CQC) and small arms weapons application training; with more than six of those years working directly with SGM Jack Nevils (R). SGM Nevils has been Mr. Donvito’s primary instructor for Close Quarter Combat as it relates to Special Operations Forces, the Department of Defense (DoD), and Law Enforcement Agencies across the nation.
Mr. Donvito has spent the last six years working with multiple defense contracting companies as a CQC and Concealed Carry Low Vis Survival SME; fulfilling the roles of Primary and Assisting Instructor for LE, DoD, AFSOC, ARSOF, and Celebrity clients. He currently works as a SME/Senior Instructor for Skallywag Tactical, Touchpoint Int’l Development Group, and the Redeployed.
Qualifications & Notable Achievements (Military/LE)
• 22+ years, U.S. Army/ U.S. Air Force, Subject Matter Expert (SME) on Close Combat
• 17+ years, United States Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC), Subject Matter Expert on Close Combat, Combative Fitness, Close Quarter Battle, and Small Unit Tactics
• 9 years, U.S. Special Forces Qualifications “Q” Course, Close Combat SME and Lead Instructor for Combative Sports
• 6 years, U.S. Special Forces Teams, Close Combat SME
• 18+ years conducting Sexual Assault Awareness Seminars and personal/group training to SOF personnel, spouses, and dependents
• Inventor/Knife Designer for Skallywag Tactical, designed “The Guardian” Combat Dagger
• Co-Inventor & Program Director, the Operator Fundamentals Course (OFC) built custom for the 26 Special Tactics Squadron. (2015-2017)
• Inventor, Warrior Development Program at the request of Lt Gen Fiel and Air Force Special Operations Command HQ (2012-2015)
• Inventor, the Modular System of Close Combat (2007)
• Level III Modern Army Combatives Program (MACP) Instructor
• Air Force Combatives Program (AFCP) Senior Instructor
• Lone Operator Course Senior Instructor
• CQB/ Direct Action Marksmanship Instructor
• Advanced Handgun Shoot House Instructor (Mil & LE)
• Two-Officer Urban Clearing Course Instructor (Basic & Advanced)
• Basic LINE Combatives Master Instructor
• Advanced LINE Combatives Master Instructor
• Low Intensity Combatives Master Instructor
• Personal Protection Skills Master Instructor
• SERE Combatives Master Instructor
• CQB Combatives Master Instructor
• Combative Ground Fighting Master Instructor
• Executive Protection Master Instructor
Awards and Honors (Martial Arts)
• Former North Carolina State Director of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for the Carlos Machado BJJ Association (2003-2007)
• Former Florida State Director of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for the Carlos Machado BJJ Association (2007-2013)
• Inducted to the Martial Arts Masters, Pioneers, and Legends Hall of Fame for 1999 & 2000 as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Instructor of the Year
Skallywag Tactical, LLC: Nov 2016-Present, Florida
Knife Designer/ Advisor
• Designed and advised on the creation of a purpose driven edged weapon for military personnel in full kit and within CQB/Direct Action environments. (The Guardian)• Advise on modifications for current knife models.
The Redeployed, LLC: Oct 2016-Present, Texas
• Assisting training events for fundamental, advanced, and specialized courses integrating close combat with Direct Action and Lone Operator environments.
Chimera-Global, LLC/ CG Defense: Mar 2016-Oct 2016, Cannon AFB, NM
Chief Combatives Instructor/ SME
• Subcontracted to continue training at the 26 STS under awarded contract FA44-17-15-R-0030, 720th Combatives Skills Training for the 22 STS.• Conducted continued Combative Skills Training within the 26 STS utilizing 200+ transferred hours from the 22 STS.
• Responsible for the Combat Skills Training Program management, curriculum development, and specialized training in combatives and CQB.
• Instruction and training integration of combatives skills with marksmanship training.
• Provided on call services linking weapons deployment, retention, and marksmanship within the natural training environment, and/or on the range.
• Additional duties included course design, customized, mission-oriented POIs, and Close Combat sustainment training.
• Implemented multi-tiered training courses for operational teams. Each course focused on teaching progressive levels of combatives techniques ranging from personal protective skills to technique linkage in any environment based on current SOPs.
Check Defense, LLC: Sep 2015-Feb 2016, Cannon AFB, NM
Program Designer/ Head Instructor/ SME
• Subcontracted to fulfil awarded contract FA44-17-15-R-0030, 720th Combatives Skills Training at Cannon AFB, NM.• Responsible for front to back course design, curriculum development and review and execution of specialized Combative Skills Training
• Conducted over 280 hours of Recurring Combative Skills Team Training, 160 hours of Off-Site Specialized Combat Training, 16 hours of Personal Defense Training, and 100 hours of Advanced Tactics Training
• Conducted Personal Protection Classes for spouses within the 26 STS every Fri evening during the weeks this contract was being serviced.
26 STS, AFSOC: Jan 2015-Aug 2015, Cannon AFB, NM
Chief Combatives Instructor/ SME
- • Designed, and implemented all combatives within the 26 STS as a test pilot for Combat Skills Training Program – which was implemented within all STSs within AFSOC
- • Conducted close combat training
- • Worked with Human Performance Personnel and created the Combative Fitness Program for Operational Personnel
Special Tactics Training SQ, AFSOC: 2010-2015, Hurlburt Field, Florida
Program Director/ SME
• Close Combat Instructor for the Special Tactics Training Squadron
• Close Combat SME and Advisor for AFSOC personnel
• Designed, created, and implemented STTS combatives POI
Donvito’s Academy of Martial Arts: 2007-2010, Mary Ester, Florida
School Manager/ Senior Instructor
• Program Director and Mobile Training Team Instructor for close combat contracts• Close Combat SME and Advisor for Air Force Special Operations Command
• Management and operations of Martial Arts Academy
• Primary Instructor for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Submission Grappling, and MMA
• Florida State Director of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Carlos Machado BJJ Association
The Close Combat Institute: 2004-2007, Fayetteville, NC
Senior Instructor/ Subject Matter Expert
• Close Combat SME for personnel within AFSOC and the ARSOF• Primary Close Combat Instructor for Phase II within the Special Forces Qualifications Course
• Close Combat Instructor and advisor for all U.S. Army Special Forces entry level personnel.
• Primary Combative Sports Instructor for 7th SFG and entry level personnel within the U.S. Army Special Forces “Q” Course
• Management of Martial Arts Academy during evening hours, six days a week
• Primary Instructor for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Submission Grappling, MMA, and all youth classes.
• Responsible for over 200 students attending the youth classes. (Ages 3-17)
• North Carolina State Director of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Carlos Machado BJJ Association
CCI & Martial Arts Academy: 1998-2004, Fayetteville, NC
• Primary Combative Sports Instructor for 7th SFG and entry level personnel within the U.S. Army Special Forces “Q” Course• Conducted Close Combat instructor training for military personnel
• Close Combat Instructor and advisor for U.S. Army Special Forces entry level personnel.
• Conducted Law Enforcement Officer survivor training for various local, state, and federal Law Enforcement Agencies